Urological Condition Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition Nikhil Sapre

Blood in Urine (Haematuria)

If you see blood in your urine, you should see your GP immediately. Your GP will normally investigate blood in the urine as a matter of urgency by taking a history and performing a physical examination. Bloods tests to assess you blood counts and renal function will be obtained as well as urine tests looking for infection (urine culture) as well as cancer cells (cytology). If you have a proven infection, you may be started on antibiotics.

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Urological Condition, Elevated PSA Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition, Elevated PSA Nikhil Sapre

Elevated PSA

PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is a small protein molecule, which is released from the prostate gland into the bloodstream. It has a role in processing of semen. PSA may be raised in prostate cancer, but is not a test that is specific for prostate cancer. Raised levels of PSA may also be caused by inflammation, infection, benign enlargement or recent surgery or sexual activity.

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Urological Condition, Kidney Stones Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition, Kidney Stones Nikhil Sapre

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones form when minerals or acid salts in your urine form crystals, which later become stones. Every person has a 5 to 10% chance of forming a urinary stone in their whole life with men more likely to form stones than women. Kidney or ureteral stones can block the normal urine flow through the ureter resulting in severe pain in loin and flank. This severity depends on stone characteristics e.g. the size, shape, and location of the stone.

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Urological Condition Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition Nikhil Sapre

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone also called male hypogonadism means the testicles do not produce enough of the male sex hormone testosterone. When levels are low this can present with many symptoms that can have a negative effect on quality of life. Production of androgens decreases slightly with age. Low levels are more common in men who are obese and have multiple health conditions.

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Urological Condition, Penile Urology Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition, Penile Urology Nikhil Sapre


The head of penis is covered by a tissue called the foreskin. The foreskin is usually loose and slides easily over the head of the penis. This movement allows us to urinate or for the penis become fully erect (in adults). Sometimes, though, the foreskin is too tight. It can close over the glans and become unable to move. This condition is called phimosis.

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Urological Condition, Prostate Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition, Prostate Nikhil Sapre

Post Prostatectomy Incontinence

Despite improvements in surgical approaches, changes in urinary function inevitably occur after radical prostatectomy (RP). Stress urinary incontinence (SUI - leakage on coughing, sneezing or doing heavy physical work) is the most common type of urinary leakage after RP. A smaller proportion may get leakage because of an overactive or underactive bladder.

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Urological Condition, Prostate Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition, Prostate Nikhil Sapre

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumour in the prostate. It is the most common cancer in elderly men with an average age for diagnosis being 69. Most prostate cancers develop slowly and do not cause symptoms. Because of the development in PSA testing, diagnostic tools and longer life expectancy, more prostate cancers are now detected at an earlier stage and the survival rate is high.

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Urological Condition, Varicocele Nikhil Sapre Urological Condition, Varicocele Nikhil Sapre


Varicocele describes a condition with swollen and enlarged veins in the scrotum (Figure 1) due to backward flow in the veins. Varicoceles are similar to varicose veins in the leg. Varicoceles are most common in prepubescent and adolescent boys. Varicoceles are more common on the left side because of the way blood drains from the left testicle.

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